Written by: Rontay Dunbar & Jeffrey Williams
What are your plans with your major?
Eric Best– My plans with my degree is to eventually work in Human Resources.
What are some of your aspirations?
Eric Best– I strive to be the best man and father that I can possibly be, learn as much as possible throughout my experiences and eventually reach my goal of playing football in the NFL.
What are some things you like to do in your free time?
Eric Best– I like the simple things, like going to the movies, lifting weights, and watching TV.
So with all your goals and ambitions what continues to motivate you?
Eric Best- My son Kadence.
So with school and football, what’s a day in your life like?
Eric Best- Well I first start at 6am to do my weight lifting. Then around 8:30 am I go to study hall. After that, I have a wave of classes to attend. Or on the occasions I don’t have class I go back home to work. However, once my classes are done I do my night time lifting.
How would you say you balance all your responsibilities?
Eric Best- I try my best to stay on top of things because once I fall behind it can be a lot to manage. I like to stay optimistic knowing that in the near future I’ll reap the benefits of my hard work.
What are your greatest challenges when it comes to football?
Eric Best- I’d say my greatest challenges are maintaining a good playing weight. There’s times where I am too light and there’s times where I am too heavy. So just trying to find that balance on where I need to be can be challenging at times.
Who would you say made you the man you are today?
Eric Best- My parents definitely made me who I am today. They instilled in me that if I want something I need to go get it. Seeing the sacrifices they made for my brothers and I gave me a clear cut depiction on what I need to do in order to be successful in life. I appreciate them for all the lessons.