Images and Article By: Vivica Mitchell

Lincoln’s Fall Homecoming has taken a toll on their dining services, Thompson Hospitality. During the month of October, the main Cafe has been a shortage in dinnerware such as cups, plates and other items. For three weeks, there were little to no plates and cups for people to dine with during cafeteria hours.
Thompson Hospitality management states that they had more than 1000 cups and plates to provide people with during dining hours. The amount that they had after Homecoming has dropped drastically to a few 100. Students had to use bowls for their drinks and saucer plates for their main meal.
It seems like most of the dinnerware has been exiting the cafeteria because of students that are not following the rules for the café and their guests who came to take part in the Homecoming festivities their guests may have not been properly told about the rules of the campus cafe. The dinnerware was not only leaving the dining area but also not being brought back or being thrown out.

With this being the turn of events, the cafeteria staff has been faced with shortness of materials and longer wait times to attend to all cafeteria guests. Plates take longer to get in rotation for serving and dishwashing, affecting the efficiency the cafeteria serves. As a result of losing a large amount of dinnerware, the students have been in an uproar and very devastated about the loss of the cups and plates. However, some must hold themselves responsible for supposedly taking the missing dinnerware. Coming into November, Thompson Hospitality had to order new dinnerware along with the use of recyclable cups